Born In Flames
These natural born rockers started to play each others in 2000 and called themselves BORN IN FLAMES in tribute to Elvis “His Latest Flame” and AC/DC “Shot Down In Flames”. In 2001 & 2002, they got the beat, they got the songs. They played with Hellride, Electric Frankenstein, Iron Boss, Guitar Wolf, Psychopunch, Lords of The New Church, Murder City Devils… and many others. They fly in 2003 to Steveland (D4, Adam West, Go to Hell…), Norfolk, USA to record their 1st album (and play some gigs too) with Steve Baise from the legendary Devil Dogs (production, guitar, trumpets). You can add Freddy Lynxx (ex Jet Boys & Johnny Thunders & Jeff Dahl guitarist) & you got the dream “wanker” team.